High Plains Drifter

I think this was the fifth or sixth time I've seen this film, though it had been a long while since the last viewing. Now, as I approach my fiftieth year on the planet, I find myself appreciating the great cinematic works of the seventies more and more.

I don't think I'd known that Eastwood directed Drifter, but I was surprised to learn that he had. I guess I wasn't sure when he'd started directing. His work here is phenomenal, though rough. Which is fine, because it absolutely suits the tone of the story.

The actors all turn in fantastic performances in their Old West roles. Of particular note the barber (William O'Connell) and the preacher (John Hillerman) are pitch-perfect. Anyone who's grown up with Red Dead Redemption will find a lot to love here.

It's a brutal film, and a good litmus test to see how infected with modern morality you are. I love it to death, and this was likely not my final viewing.

2024.03.30 – 2024.03.31

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