The Gorge

I figured out how to listen to my Apple Music library while grinding video games on the Xbox Series X (which consists of downloading the app and pressing “play”, if you were wondering how complicated the process was) and so I can continue my deep listenings while playing games that require only fragments of my attention. I noticed that Reznor & Ross’s latest offering was in the “Top Picks for You” section—an algorithm that does what it should, for a change—so I put it The Gorge on for a session of Vampire Survivors.

I’ll watch the film later today, but the soundtrack might as well be another volume in Reznor & Ross’s Ghosts series. Another flawless album of ambient grey tones that would be just at home drifting over a fog-shrouded moor as they would coming out of the speaker at an upscale salon. And I’m relieved there’s more of this music in the world.


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