<p>It's cold and clear<br>
and my hot young breath hangs in the night air<br>
as I climb out of my bedroom window<br>
and start the nightmare.</p>
<p>“Take this blotter,<br>
and if you don't feel nothing, take the other”<br>
were the instructions from the dealer<br>
as I left to find my brother.</p>
<p>I took the first<br>
and realized it wouldn't slake my juvenile thirst<br>
for introspective adventure, so I ate the second<br>
and just made things worse.</p>
<p>It wasn't long until<br>
reality melted away, and time stood still.<br>
Throat parched, drinking from stranger's garden hoses,<br>
shivering in the November chill.</p>
<p>Dawn broke the pale sky with a crack<br>
and I found myself trapped<br>
in fits and starts and indecision<br>
in a suburban cul-de-sac.</p>
<p>I could rule the world<br>
I could know the face of God<br>
I could be a better human<br>
I could right all my wrongs<br>
if only I could make my way back home.</p>
<p>Synapses fried<br>
that morning when I almost died,<br>
breaking my mind with an overdose<br>
of lysergic acid diethylamide.</p>
2020.09.08 – 2020.12.11