June 2007

June 29, 2007

The Healthy Gamer

After much consideration, and the evaluation of my free-time activities and financial situation, I have decided to make a real blog.

Starting August 20th, 2007, the Healthy Gamer will go live with all of my physical training programs, diet studies, anti-stress techniques, and thoughts on the gaming industry. I will also be including periodic reviews of games I've taken the time to complete.

In addition to standard journaling posts there will be articles, audio, and video.

As of this writing I am hard at work crafting premium content for general consumption, and with the intent on making gamer's lives and their lifestyles just a little better.

I've chosen the title “Healthy Gamer”, but I really feel a better headline would be "How I Stay Lean and Mean and Still Play 6+ Hours of Games a Day" because, well, that's really what it will be about.

If you're feeling helpful, or generous, please link to my new site and spread the word.

It's going to be interesting.

It was interesting: the site was a moderate success and I spent a great deal of time producing content for it. I even used it as a journalism front to gain access to the Tokyo Game Show in October of 2007, where I was floored by a demo of Sega's "Valkyria Chronicles" for the PlayStation 3. Sadly, all Healthy Gamer content has been lost to the mists of time and no one else has captialized on the domain or the concept since. I would, but I've worked hard to distance myself from video gaming as an identity. Perhaps someone more enterprising will read this and take up the challenge. –Ed.


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