[Lost content, Unity Webplayer of the actual finished game.]
[Lost content, countdown timer]
Looking at this video fourteen years later, I find my own hubris disgustingly shocking. That's what isolating oneself from others for prolonged periods of time does to a person.—Ed.
As per rules of the compo, participants were required to make a post to the Ludum Dare forums declaring their intent and any tools or external content they would be using. This was my first post. –Ed.
This should be good.
I’m Jack, and I’m entering LD #19.
I’m not certain where to put the library declarations? So I’ll put them here. I’ll be using:
Unity 3D free version.
Pixelplacement’s iTween.
The powers of darkness.
I’m fairly certain these are all available to all?
I look forward to testing your might!
Christopher ‘Jack’ Nilssen – Dark Acre
Art: Photoshop CS5, 3DS Max 2011, Crazybump.
Sound: FL Studio 9+
Additional “base code”: Pixelplacement’s just-released “Backdrop“, just in case.
Font: Imagine Font.
The original posting order of these updates was reversed, as I entered them into Wordpress one on top of the other as I progressed through the challenge. They have been re-ordered chronologically for this archive. –Ed.
00:00: Theme has been announced! Cameras are rolling! Ideas are flowing! Aaaaaand… I’m off to a friend’s graduation ceremony.
03:30: Well, that took a bit longer than expected, but I wasn’t idle. Got a lot of brainstorming done, now to finalize the concept and build out a feature.
03:43: Sitting down to start paper plan.
04:03: Committing to paper plan, starting build. The terror of the blank code page awaits!
05:34: Camera controls are in. 1st build is above, click the image to run. F1–F3 to switch camera modes.
06:01: Grabbing some quick Z’s, hopefully need just 4.
13:13: 4 became 7, but I suppose that’s what I needed. Fully charged and raring to go!
14:22 Character controller for map views 1 and 2 (F1 and F2) implemented, left mouse-click to move.
16:10 Procedurally generating ocean tiles now, needs dupe detection but functional.
18:12 Dupe detection in, no more overflows. Can move on, but first a short nap.
19:32 Dive-mode partially implemented. F3 will spawn a diver, returning to F1 or F2 will cause weird things to happen. Control diver with gamepad or arrow keys, A to surface and B to dive, no keyboard controls for dive implemented yet.
22:03 Dive mode now enables treasure gathering. Q and E to surface and dive on the keyboard, WASD/arrows/gamepad for movement.
1:02:05 Camera improved, modes improved, random generation of map combined with treasure shaft beginnings.
1:06:24 Ocean floor, depth visual cues, second treasure, proper map generation and the element of discovery. Sleep now.
1:13:25 Almost everything in, game loop closed. Critical bug with replay not working.
1:20:34 Contemplating submission. Could do a tiny bit more polishing, but seriously worried about passing out and missing the deadline.
1:22:29 Preparing submission.
1:23:01 Well, if that’s the Ludum Dare 48-hour game-making challenge, I’ve done it. Totally satisfied with the results, and hope that you’ll give it a play and let me know how I could improve. Love you all, and I must rest. Stay tuned for the post-mortem and totally exciting nose-picking extravaganza of the time-lapse! OooOoOoOoo…
2010.12.16 – 2010.12.19